Pte Joseph Baird

Died circa 16th June 1815 in Quatre Bras

Served in

6 Company 2nd Battalion 69th (South Lincolnshire) Foot

Joseph Baird lived in Brentwood and enlisted in the army in 1814, being sent to the 2nd Battalion of the 69th Foot. It was an inexperienced battalion - the men that Joseph joined were all recent recruits and none had any experience fighting in the recently finished Peninsular War.

They went to Belgium in the lead up to Waterloo and on 16th June 1815 they fought at the Battle of Quatre Bras. Baird was assigned to 6 Company.

During the battle, the battalion was caught still trying to form square by the French curraisiers, with deadly results. The battalion suffered almost 50% casualties. Joseph was one of those wounded, but he did not recover and died shortly after the battle.